Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

Jennifer loves Pringles and found some in her stocking. Steven got a pineapple.

J. had chocolate all over her teeth in the pic. w/Daddy. I found out later when I zoomed in on her.

Christmas was awesome even though Shawn's last day at S&N was 12-10 (a blessing in disguise). We're enjoying our extra time together. The kids got a laptop to share and I got a Wii Active. Steven got a urinal for road trips. Both got lots of great books and Jennifer got some horses (the plastic kind).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Facebook | Greg Plunk's Photos - Happy Birthday

Our 40th b-day was celebrated at the Neighborhood Bistro in Millington. It was a surprise!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Winter fun

We've been out of school the last two days due to inclement weather. The kids are enjoying the snow break and it will be tough to get back into a "normal" routine.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Our ebay motorhome has arrived!!

It's a very happy day in the Taylor household. Steven was promised a motorhome for being such a big boy in the ER. We're attaching a short video of Steven opening the box and a few pictures. My 5 year old camera is dying on me right before our Disney trip. This is why the video is so short.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Doing Much Better

Steven chose green bands to go on his braces. Everything went well. He got molar buildups too. They keep his teeth from touching (due to the underbite) so the teeth can straighten without bumping each other. He can't chew real well but the underbite appears to already be fixed. You can't even tell he's got one. We flossed today. What a pain in the butt. He looks older now.

These pictures were taken tonight. Jennifer seems to have grown about 2 inches since last month! We're getting excited about Disney.

Shawn's got severe sleep apnea. We still don't have a CPAP. I've been helping alot in Steven's class. We're making costumes for a play they will perform Friday, The Strongest One. He's got his lines memorized.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sleep study

Shawn got home around 6:15 a.m. this morning. He did have an apneatic (word?) moment. They said if he stopped breathing they would wake him up and put the mask on. They had to put the mask on at some point in the night. He has an appt. to go back Sunday night. They will cancel that appt. if they got enough data last night. They'll discuss their findings with us later this month at his appt. with the lung doctor.

Monday, September 8, 2008

We saw the pediatric dentist today.

Steven's teeth shifted over and in when he had his accident and now he has an underbite and a little space that wasn't there before. Still don't know if the tooth will "take" but we're going forward as if it will and getting braces next Monday. The braces will also help keep the tooth root from adhering to the bone. They put the separators in today.

Steven is an amazing patient. Everyone has commented on how he's such a good patient. He just lays there and does everything they tell him to do. He hasn't complained any! He really tolerates alot but he always did with his ears too. Guess he knew he didn't have a choice. I really have to brag on him. Shawn's proud too. He's going to buy him the coolest motorhome (not a real one).

Thanks PopPop for the Hot Wheels motorhome. It such an obsession with Steven now. Move over garage doors, hello motorhomes!